HIGHWAYS co-ordinator: Mark Lane, who lives in the village, has volunteered for this position.

He is acting as a liaison officer between the parish council and the highways division of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.

So, if you see anything that involves the highway, contact Julie or Debbie, at the parish council, by e-mailing clerk@oldbasing.gov.uk or call 462847, between 10am and noon, Monday to Thursday. Your message will then be passed on to Mark.

ALLOTMENTS: A plant sale is being held on Sunday, June 6, from 10am to noon, at Riley's Lane. Take your spare plants along to the hut on Saturday afternoon.

IMAGES of Basing House: This weekend is the last day for entries. Call Helen Worgan on 477618.

CORRECTION to the Basinga: If you go along to Basing House tomorrow, the Southern Skirmishers will not be there. Their battle re-enactments will take place on Sunday and Monday.

Alan Turton, Basing House curator, tells me that there will be around 200 participants camping on site.

They will be under canvas and you are more than welcome to visit their mini town.

TROUT: Have you noticed that there are many more of these lovely specimens in the river between the pub and Swing Swang Lane bridge?

It appears that the river bank burst downstream, allowing the fish to swim upstream.

The break has now been repaired by a member of the parish council.