INDOOR market: At the Village Club, from 9.30am to 11.30am, tomorrow.

VOTING: Although it has not been easy to find out much about the candidates for the EU elections on June 10, for the first time residents from the east of the village will be able to vote at the Village Club.

The hope is that more will turn out by being saved the walk to the Fieldgate where the remaining residents will still be able to vote.

ARCHAEOLOGY: More than 150 people visited the exhibition last Saturday, and comments were full of praise for the very interesting display.

Around 40 people signed up to take part in the dig in September, including several family groups.

If you missed the show, but still want to take part, you can register an interest with Keith Whiteman on 299406.

LITTER: We are suffering from a serious bout of littering on the Dell Recreation Ground, presumably generated by late-night gatherings of young people.

I know people get paranoid about these gatherings but they all have a right to use the area - what a pity they can't use the litter bins though.

MORE litter: I see the damaged bin in the square has been further vandalised. As it happened last year, it is surely time for it to be replaced.

ANDY Reid: A large group turned out to thank him for all he has done.