WINE walk: Tickets are now on sale from Doreen Lonergan and Meg Freeman and I'll be tramping/cycling/ pushing my bike around the village tomorrow and Sunday, tickets in hand.

The date for the walk is June 18. Do book now.

Five generous couples are this year's Wine Walk hosts, offering all-new locations.

Going from the top of College Lane, via Church Lane and then down Green Lane, the addresses are: the Walled Garden, Orchard House, Farrier's Field, Firs Cottage and Larkspur. I'm told the wine will be terrific.

COUNTRYSIDE: Have our two villages ever looked better than they did this May?

I can't remember a more astonishing spring, with the trees such a rich, fresh green.

Where else can you see more magnificent horse chestnut trees than outside Home Farm, Farleigh, and College Farm, Ellisfield? (I'd also like to put in a word for the rhododendrons at Brocas.)

EXTREMES: The difference in temperatures between the top and bottom of Ellisfield seems to be widening. Last weekend, the laburnum was out fully at the top of the village, with not a glimmer showing on Axford Road.

MEMORIAL Hall: There was sad and glad news at the Memorial Hall AGM.

The sad news is that secretary Susan Hartlett is resigning. She has got a terrific job in the vale of Glamorgan.

The good news is that the "Hundred Club" is restarting. Jane Evans has offered to run it again.