TRAILERS: Although not parked in the best location within Chineham Shopping Centre, the borough council's waste collection trailer attracted a lot of attention last week.

More than 100 visitors had a variety of comments and concerns with queries about green bins and, in particular, what may be placed in them.

Monday of this week saw a taxi information trailer located at the centre, but because of a lack of prior information we were sadly unable to let you know in advance.

However, the trailer will be visiting other locations and details can be obtained from the council on 844844.

PETTY'S Brook: At last there is a start date for Thames Water contractors to commence clearing the much-overgrown brook.

Hopefully, the notified date of July 7 will prove realistic, but sadly the exact extent of the proposed work remains a closely guarded secret.

ACTIVITY centre: June/July should see the installation of the next phase in leisure provision at the wheeled activity centre in Tollhouse Meadow.

This will comprise of a "hang-out" shelter, which will benefit from subdued solar lighting.

CHINEHAM Village Club: Tomorrow is family night with Captain Glamcastic in the lounge bar.

The event commences at 8pm. More information is available from Donna Naldrett on 471982.