BRITISH Red Cross: The house-to-house collection in Bramley raised £888.

Thank you to all the collectors who braved the inclement weather and to all those who gave generously.

PLANTS for lifeboats: The plant sale in aid of the RNLI raised £2,129.

Local representative Sheila Dance thanks all who donated plants.

The annuals completely sold out, and there were just some vegetables and perennials left.

Thanks also, to those who went to Mortimer and made purchases.

CANCER Research UK: Local organiser Denny Grehan reports a very successful result from the house-to-house collection in April, when £933 was raised in Bramley.

He thanks the collectors and all who donated to this worthy cause.

CHANGES: During recent days, the barn in the corner of the Clift Meadow has been demolished, clearing away the asbestos roof and brick sides. The hard-standing base will remain for the time being. The area is now much tidier and safer.

CRICKET: A lot of hard work prepared the pitch for the game against Speen on May 16, which Bramley won by one run.

ANNUAL general meeting: The trustees of Clift Meadow will hold an AGM on June 30, in the pavilion on the meadow, at 7.30pm. All residents are welcome.

LUNCH Club: There will be no meeting on Wednesday.