A TEN-year-old boy caught on closed-circuit TV video throwing stones at police during the violent scenes after Saints' clash with Pompey has been banned from soccer matches for three years.

The lad, who was barely tall enough to see the district judge over the court clerk's desk, is thought to be one of the youngest people prosecuted and convicted for football-related disorder.

Portsmouth Magistrates' Court was shown video footage of the boy with other teenagers and men twice his size throwing bricks and stones at the police after the match at Fratton Park in March

The court was told the boy, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had a lack of respect for the police and felt they deserved it.

Police arrested nine people on the day of the match but say they expect to eventually quiz up to 100 after studying TV footage.

Daniel Suter, mitigating for the boy, who pleaded guilty to violent disorder, told the court the lad had been encouraged to take part in the violence by a man of his parents' age.

He added: "He fully appreciates what he has done. He does express remorse, he does apologise, but what is clear and what he can't get away from is that there is a dislike of the police."

District Judge John Woollard sentenced the boy to a nine-month referral order and imposed a three-year football banning order.

Earlier in the day six teenagers appeared in court charged with violent disorder.

Three aged 17 and one aged 16 were given eight-month detention and training orders with six-year football banning orders, and two aged 16 and 18 were jailed for six months with similar length football banning orders.