Police are appealing for help from the public in their efforts to find a man who stole £1,000 from a Meon Valley pub on Saturday.

It was in a wallet, together with a number of credit cards, that was taken from the Roebuck Pub, in Droxford Road, Wickham.

Police say that, at about 3.10pm, the man climbed a fire escape at the rear of the premises and got into a private room.

He drove off towards Wickham in a dark-coloured vehicle that he had parked in the pub grounds

He is described as being in his early 20s with short dark hair and he was wearing a dark-coloured jacket with a thick, light-coloured stripe across the shoulders and arms.

WDC Nicola Turton said: "I would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the offence and thinks they may have seen something related to this case or knows of anyone who wears a similar jacket."

Ring her at Fareham CID on 0845-0454545 or the anonymous Crimestoppers number, 0800-555111.