A Hampshire teacher has been jailed for having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

Peter Brown was said at Winchester Crown Court to be a broken man whose marriage and career were in ruins. He is receiving psychiatric treatment.

But Judge Patrick Hooton, sentencing him to a year in prison, said he could not avoid imposing a custodial sentence. "It is only too apparent you have been broken by this. But you engaged in sex whilst in a position of trust. What am I supposed to say to parents of girls? Teachers are not supposed to seduce children.

"What you did was unforgiveable. You knew that perfectly well. Twelve months may seem lenient, but for someone in your position you will suffer greatly from that sentence," he said.

The judge banned Brown from ever working with children and ordered him to sign on the sex offenders' register for 10 years.

Outside court, the victim's father said he did not care about the seemingly lenient sentence, but was pleased that Peter Brown would never teach again.

Brown (35), head of art at Henry Beaufort School, Winchester, since 1995, had admitted two indecent assaults and engaging in sex whilst in a position of trust.

The father, aged 49, said: "He took advantage. At first I wanted to do what every father would want to do. Now my feelings are more of pity. I'm not surprised he's having psychiatric treatment. I feel sorry for his family."

He said the case had affected his daughter, now 18. She had become a much more nervous girl. She left the courtroom in distress during the hearing.

The court heard that Brown and the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had a relationship between June, 2001, and August, 2002. They engaged in sex, although not full intercourse, at Brown's then-home in Longparish, near Andover, and in the New Forest.

Andy Houston, prosecuting, said Brown had showered gifts on the girl, including chocolate, a mobile phone and a ring. He had sent her text messages, some sexually explicit, up to five times a day.

The victim told police they didn't have full sex because Brown said she was under 16 and if anyone found out, he would be in "loads of trouble".

The girl eventually reported the affair and told police she was flattered by the attention and consented. Mr Houston said: "The defendant told her he loved her. She now feels sick about it. Her mother has a deep loathing of the defendant for exploiting a child."

Nicholas Fridd, defending, said: "There was something clearly felt between these two people. There was never any coercion. It was entirely inappropriate."

The Revd Graham Topping, ex-chairman of governors at Henry Beaufort, speaking as a character witness, said: "The remorse is genuine. He knows he has been foolish. He has been punished so much already."