Support staff at Winchester prison are expected to walk out today (Friday) in protest over pay.

Around 30 employees are expected to down tools in a 24-hour stoppage, which lasts until 6am on Saturday. Those participating include kitchen staff, electricians, maintenance workers and gardeners. The majority of them are represented by the Amicus union.

It balloted members on strike action at jails across Britain after a proposed pay rise of 1%. The union says the offer is the lowest in the Prisons Service, and added that wardens were offered an increase of 2.8%.

Divisional officer, Kevin O'Gallagher, said industrial action was approved overwhelmingly. "The insult of one per cent is just too much for our members." He warned that further industrial action, possibly including stoppages, was expected if the Prisons Service refused to negotiate.

Mr O'Gallagher said his members wanted a pay rise above inflation to compensate for the delay on their current deal. A spokesman for Amicus added: "Prisons are essentially small towns and they depend on the people we represent."

Members of the Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians, Transport and General Workers Union, and the GMB union working at prisons are also expected to stop work today.

Amicus predicts that around 3,500 employees in Britain's jails will take part in the stoppage.