A DISAPPOINTING curry: The recent curry night organised for members by the community association had to be cancelled due to poor ticket sales.

The community office would like to hear from members with ideas for events at the centre.

If the curry evening was not a popular idea, then what would you like to see happen?

Are there are any particular events that you would like organised.

This is your centre and your association, so let the office know what you want.

Contact the office on 811262, or e-mail admin@hatchwarrencc.fsnet.co.uk

BASINGSTOKE NeighbourCare: AGM takes place on Tuesday, June 8, at 7.30pm, at the Orchard offices in White Hart Lane, Basingstoke.

For further details, call NeighbourCare on 332424.

A30 WORKS: At time of going to press, work was due to be starting along the A30 Winchester Road.

The work is being done by Scottish and Southern Energy to replace overhead wires with underground cabling.

The company has undertaken to keep disruption to a minimum while the work is carried out.