AGM: Brookvale Community Association will meet at 7.45pm on Tuesday for a glass of wine, before starting its meeting at 8pm.

No one has yet come forward to volunteer their time as a new committee member.

This meeting is crucial to the future of the village hall and the association.

Valedictory dinner: The very last meal of this academic year is soon to be served at the Robert Newman Restaurant at BCOT. The cost of this "specialty dinner" is £21 per person. For availability, call 01256 306306.

LITTERED streets: Around Brookvale the amount of litter is noticeably increasing and bins are left overflowing on pathways.

Perhaps refuse sacks not collected by the "bin men" are expected to magic themselves away! Report them on 01256 845474.

SUPERMARKET trolleys: If you "borrow" a trolley from Safeway, please be responsible and return it immediately after use. If you see one abandoned, telephone the store on 01256 333464, and ask them to collect it.

VOTING: You should by now have received your polling cards through the door. The polling venue on June 10 is Brookvale Village Hall.