THE Daily Echo's recent publication of computer-generated pictures showing what a new container terminal at Dibden Bay will look like has been welcomed by councillors at Hythe.

Councillor Graham Parkes, who is representing Hythe and Dibden Parish Council at the public inquiry into the scheme, said the pictures "really brought home the massive size of the cranes."

The pictures, which were prepared by New Forest District Council with the aid of exact dimensions provided by Associated British Ports which wants to build the dock, were presented in evidence at the inquiry.

They were published in the Daily Echo on July 19 and 20.

At a meeting of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council, Cllr Parkes added: "It has left the people of Hythe and Dibden in no doubt as to what the appearance of these cranes will mean."

But with Southampton City Council putting hundreds of thousands of pounds into supporting ABP's application, parish, district and county councillor Brian Dash said: "It is scant consolation, but at least we know Southampton would have to look at it as well if it went ahead."

Councillor Stan Wade recalled that many years ago, Southampton had objected to the siting of tanks on the bay because it spoilt their view, but he was not solely concerned about the view.

"There is a noise issue too and on a quiet night, you can already hear cars starting up on the other side of Southampton Water. If this was allowed to go ahead, the view would be bad, but the noise would be even worse.