Hampshire North 36 Kent 40

HN started strongly but struggled in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, only pulling back within four points in the last quarter, giving them the much needed extra point.

Kristy Taylor played well at GA while the circle defence of Judith Mann and Jayne Wilson grabbed a number of key interceptions.

2nd Seniors Hampshire North 34 Kent 51

Despite the disappointing result, there were good performances from Sarah Jones at GA and Vanessa Bertrand at GK.

U18 Hampshire North 32 Kent 46

The Hants North defence of Becky Wilson and Sam Newton made Kent fight for every ball. Hants North won the third quarter but Kent secured victory.

U16 Hampshire North 36 Kent 24

Dominant defending from Jacqui Lilley and Natalie Stacey kept the Kent shooters under control which was matched by the sharp shooting of Roseanne Olliffe and Pippa Hanks. It was the first victory for the team and a well-deserved five points.