SOUTHAMPTON singer Craig David looks certain to storm straight into the charts at number one tomorrow. (8/4/00)

On Thursday his first solo offering Fill Me In was 35,000 sales ahead of its nearest rival.

More than 74,000 fans have snapped up the single since its release on Monday.

Richard Ashcroft looks as though he is heading for the number two slot.

Craig, who still lives in the city centre with his mother Tina and half-sister Amber, is currently on a countrywide promotional tour.

The 18-year-old first found fame when he sang the vocals on Artful Dodger hit Re-rewind The Crowd Say Bo Selecta which reached number two in December last year.

Since then the two acts have revealed a new, rich seam of Southampton musical talent to the nation.

Craig, who was educated at Bellemoor Secondary School, Shirley, yesterday told the Daily Echo: "I feel over the moon - it's just blown me away.

"A lot of people work for so many years to get in the top ten and I've done it with my first solo single.

"I love my music and have always wanted to be a singer. I'm trying to put Southampton on the map."

Craig said he didn't know where in the country he would be when the chart came out - but hoped to be by a radio.

"What I would love to do is have a gathering of everyone who has contributed to the single," he added.

Artful Dodger member Mark Hill, who produced and co-wrote Fill Me In, said of Craig: "He's an absolute genius. We were so lucky to hook up with him - he's a great vocalist and brilliant lyricist.

"After this there will probably be no stopping him. I think he is destined for a long career."

Craig's spokeswoman said: "We are 99 per cent sure the single will go in at number one. There's never been a turn around in the positions from this before."