SURGERY: The next Norden Ward surgery is tomorrow at the Methodist Church, at 11.30am. Come and meet your councillors.

CHESS: Do you play chess or are you interested in learning? You can do so at the Basingstoke Bridge and Chess Club in Sherborne Road, with chess for adults and top juniors on Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 11pm and juniors from 4pm to 8pm.

At the Vyne school there is a junior chess club on Thursdays from 4pm to 8pm, with lessons for newcomers from 4pm to 5pm, intermediates from 5pm to 6.30pm and advanced from 7pm to 8pm.

For more details, call Joe French on 472537 or e-mail

REGENERATION: Don't forget the meeting, today, at the Oakridge Hall for All from 3.30pm to 8pm to meet the new contractors and to hear more about phase three of the regeneration. Representatives of Sentinel Housing will be present.

If you are interested in the infrastructure, lighting, roads, shops, play areas or any other matter, you can ask about them.

NEWS from The Vyne Community School: It was good to read in last week's Gazette that the school now has a correspondent in the Schools section.

CONTACT: I hope the local resident associations will get in touch with me so I can tell people what is happening and share your community or charity activities.