JUMBLE sale: Oakley & Deane WI is holding a sale, tomorrow, in East Oakley Village Hall.

The sale starts at 2pm and there will be a raffle and tombola. Donations of jumble can be left at the hall after 10am.

PARISH council: Oakley & Deane annual parish council meeting takes place on Thursday, April 22, at St Leonard's Centre, starting at 7.45pm.

The main item under discussion will be "litter and recycling issues", but the agenda also includes affordable housing, provision of youth shelters at the Peter Houseman and Kennett Way fields, the erection of a village clock, improvements to the Peter Houseman pitches and traffic calming.

All Oakley residents are invited to come along and hear details of future plans, and to give their views on issues affecting the village.

FIRST Responders are volunteers trained by the Hampshire Ambulance Service in the use of medical oxygen therapy, defibrillators, resuscitation techniques and First Aid.

When an ambulance is requested in Oakley, a member of our First Responder team is paged and will give assistance until paramedics arrive.

The aim is to have enough team members to provide cover for 24 hours, seven days a week.

More volunteers are invited to join the First Responders, who meet on alternate Wednesdays for training (and some socialising too).

To find out more about the scheme call Chris on 781022 or Jean on 782194.