SURVEY: Whatever you do, don't even whisper to anyone about the Bird and Wildlife Survey, which all Ellisfield residents have been asked to complete tomorrow.

Last year, the birds found out what we were planning and most of them went off on a day's holiday to some exotic place, to return the next day, tweeting their heads off.

A copy of the survey form was inserted into every April edition of the Hill & Dale magazine that was delivered within Ellisfield.

If you didn't get one, or have lost your copy of the form, you can download it from the Ellisfield website at by going to the Volunteer Group page, or you can telephone Seumas Foster on 381443.

VILLAGE meeting: The agenda for next Friday evening's Ellisfield Annual Parish Meeting is up on the notice boards, and a copy will be delivered to every household during the weekend.

There will be representatives from every village organisation present, and our county, borough and parish councillors will be there to answer any questions you might have for them.

The latest version of Ellisfield's conservation area appraisal document and map will be on display, and a representative from the team that put it together will be giving a short presentation.

The meeting, which will be followed by a social, is open to all Ellisfield residents.

New arrivals to the village will be made especially welcome.