EIGHTY thousand pounds a year, free massages, manicures and glamorous trips abroad - and still a Hampshire company cannot find any takers for its job vacancies.

Mortgage lender TML Financial Solutions has 60 positions free with money on offer ranging from £15,000-£80,000 a year but has not been able to find qualified people to fill them.

The situation is so bad bosses are forced to consider looking outside Hampshire and paying relocation expenses in order to attract staff.

Positions vacant include everything from high earning salesmen to training managers and office clerks but suitable people have been thin on the ground.

TML, which is based at Southampton International Airport, hit the headlines when it paid £40,000 for a Christmas party and flew 14 staff to Monte Carlo as a reward for "going the extra mile".

Bosses are planning a £25,000 summer ball and to reward staff with a day's power boat racing in the Solent.

Workers at its Whiteley headquarters, which they are due to move to in July, will be able to take advantage of free manicures, pedicures and massages at work in a unique treatment room.

Yet still the jobs go begging.

"It is extremely difficult to find people," said operations director Penny Searles.

"We have done open evenings, we have put the jobs on websites and we have advertised. We are going to have to consider advertising out of the area and paying relocation costs so people will come here and I don't want to do that. It seems so silly. These are good jobs.

"Our basic sales salaries are £20,000 a year but the on target earnings send that up to between £60 and £80,000 a year and people do earn that. There was a trainer manager's role that is £37,000 a year and we couldn't find anyone for that. We had to go out of the area.

"I come from Southampton and I couldn't find a good job locally and I had to go to London. I was away for eight years and I have been tempted back because it is a really good local company. I can't believe local people are missing out on this chance.

She says TML is a great company to work for.

"We have a family culture. There are 250 employees and we are hoping to expand to 500 over the next five years. I am a director and I still know most of the people in the building."

Contact TML about job opportunities on 023 8030 2791.