BUSINESSES in the area worked with primary school children from the Andover area at the Hampshire Primary Science Fair held at the Guildhall.

The aim was for businesses to provide children with an insight into the role of science and technology in the world of work while supporting the educational national curriculum.

Organisations taking part included Cricklade College, Hampshire Country Learning, Cow & Gate Nutricia, Test Valley Borough Council, Hampshire Fire and Rescue, Birdworld, Blue Reef Aquarium, Coors Brewers Ltd, St John Ambulance, Hampshire Police, INTECH, McDonalds and the CITB.

Year six pupils had the chance to try a variety of activities, spending time with each organisation looking at a how science and technology is incorporated in their work. Some of the tasks were particularly unusual, including the chance to make slime with Cricklade College's science department or look at fleas, mosquitoes and grubby fingers under the microscope.

Anton Junior School pupil Jordan Jeffrey spent time at the Cricklade stand and said: "It's exciting to do different things than we do at school, I've learnt a lot today."

The event was organised by first partnership Ltd, part of the Partnership Network in Hampshire.

Linda Barnes, of first partnership, said: "Science is all around us, but the pupils don't always realise this. The aim of the fair is to link the schools' science curriculum with the science used in everyday life, particularly in the world of work."