TWO new appointments have been announced on Test Valley Borough Council's executive.

Cllr Marion Kerley, social well-being portfolio holder for more than three years, will soon take on a role with the new NHS Patient and Public Involvement Forum, which means she cannot also be a member of the council's executive.

Cllr John Hall, who took on the role of corporate portfolio holder when Cllr Neville Whiteley became deputy mayor last year, is also standing down from the executive on health grounds.

Cllr Sandra Hawke will join the executive as social well-being portfolio holder and Cllr Daniel Busk will become corporate portfolio holder.

As a result Mr Busk will stand down as chairman of the southern area planning committee and will be replaced by Mr Whiteley.

Cllr Bruce Cowan will become vice-chairman. Cllrs Busk and Hawke will leave the planning control committee to take on their new roles on the executive.

Mrs Kerley will become vice-chairman and Mr Cowan will take the remaining vacant position.

Mr Hall will leave the general purpose committee and the commercial services joint committee and be replaced by Mr Busk.

Mr Cowan will leave the overview and scrutiny committee and be replaced by Cllr Chris Lynn.