Christchurch angling clubs' carp-fishing fraternity suffered a blow this week.

Rumours circulating for several months proved correct and their leases on the Roach Pit and Rockford have not been renewed by the country's leading fishery owners RMC Angling.

The Roach Pit is known to contain up to three different forties, including The Yellow Fish and Solar, and over 20 different thirties plus a stack of twenties.

Rockford has improved in leaps and bounds in the last three years and was regarded as the south's leading up-and-coming water with a stack of big thirties which looked likely to go on and make forties.

Now the talk is of RMC forming two 50-man syndicates at £200 a year for the waters, which will be run by a team of hand-picked bailiffs. Who actually gets the much sought-after syndicate places is causing concern among the local angling fraternity, some of whom have fished the venues for years. There is also a question mark about the ownership of the fish and this saga is likely to run for quite a time.

Christchurch anglers can continue to fish until March 14 on both venues.

With less fishing pressure and RMC's track record of managing some of the country's top carp venues, the fish in Roach Pit and Rockford will benefit long-term f but Christchurch Angling Club have every right to feel badly treated. Christchurch anglers still have Spinnaker and Somerley Lakes but the loss of Roach Pit and Rockford is a mighty blow and could see an exodus from the club in the coming 12 months.

Another water about to change hands is Winchester AC's Winnal Lakes, being purchased by Eastleigh & District Angling Club - a major step forward for Eastleigh who already own their prolific Stoneham Fishery. By purchasing their own waters, forward-thinking Eastleigh are not going to end up in the same boat as Christchurch - although RMC took Highbridge Lake back off Eastleigh at the end of last year.

RMC's recovery of leased waters is not restricted to this area. A number of clubs nationwide have recently been told their leases will not be renewed.