DETECTIVES investigating the murder of Hampshire student Hannah Foster today said claims their prime suspect had fled to Nepal were "pure speculation".

Police said there was nothing to back up reports that suspected killer Maninder Pal Singh Kohli was now in hiding in Kathmandu, across the border from his native India.

The 35-year-old fugitive became one of Britain's most wanted men after fleeing to the Punjab two days after Hannah's body was discovered in a country lane near her Southampton home last March.

Ten months later, Kohli, who worked as a sandwich delivery driver in Southampton, remains on the run.

Yesterday, sources in India claimed the married father-of-two had now slipped through the open border between India and Nepal and was living an anonymous existence in the back-streets of Kathmandu.

The journey from Chandigarh, where his family live, would have been more than 550 miles.

But today Hampshire detectives investigating the murder of 17-year-old Hannah said there was no evidence to support the claims.

Hampshire police spokesman Lucy Dibdin told the Daily Echo: "The reports are pure speculation. There is no evidence to suggest that Kohli may be in Kathmandu. However, if somebody out there has information to that effect, we would urge them to get in touch."

Police are hoping a massive 5,000,000 rupee reward - the equivalent of about £70,000 - could help flush out Kohli from wherever he has been hiding. The reward, which was increased from 1,000,000 rupees earlier this month, is a small fortune in India, where it would easily feed and clothe a family for life.

Det Supt Alan Betts, leading the murder hunt, codenamed Operation Springfield, said: "We hope the offer of this reward will encourage people who have perhaps not come forward to assist in the investigation to date to do so now."

Kohli, formerly of Broadlands Road, Swaythling, is sought in connection with the abduction, rape and murder of talented A-level student Hannah, who went missing after a night out on March 14 last year.

The teenager's body was found dumped in Allington Lane, West End, two days later.

Police in the Punjab are leading the search for Kohli as Hampshire police have no jurisdiction in India and must leave it for the authorities there to make the longed-for arrest.

Any information about Kohli's whereabouts should be reported to Hampshire police on 0845 045 4545.

Alternatively, details can be given via the anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.