THE detective leading the investigation into the stabbing of a Basingstoke man on his doorstep has said his team has been baffled by the apparently motiveless crime.

Detective Inspector Mark Bissell told The Basingstoke Extra that despite police enquiries, they have yet to unravel the reasons behind the attack, which they are treating as attempted murder.

As a result, Det Insp Bissell has issued a fresh appeal for information on the crime, which occurred on December 8, at about 6.15pm.

The victim, Ian Tiede, who lives alone in Knight Street, Basingstoke, answered his front door and was confronted by a person, wearing dark clothing and a balaclava, who attacked him with a sharp, bladed instrument.

Mr Tiede, 59, suffered life-threatening wounds, including a severed jugular vein, facial lacerations down to the bone, chest wounds and large cuts to his left arm and hand.

The attacker left the flats on foot, and Mr Tiede was able to raise the alarm by contacting a neighbour, who administered first aid until the emergency services arrived. Det Insp Bissell said: "I think we would have been dealing with a murder enquiry had his neighbour not been a first aider."

Mr Tiede spent a week in hospital after several hours of surgery, and he was released just before Christmas. Det Insp Bissell said Mr Tiede was on the way to a full recovery, but that he would be left with scars.

"We are pretty baffled as to why this has happened," he said. "We have conducted the normal enquiries that an investigation like this would produce. But it's got to the stage where I am astounded as to why we have got absolutely no idea not only as to who may have committed this offence, but why it's occurred."

Det Insp Bissell said he did not think the incident was a random attack. He said: "We have got to be open-minded, but I don't think someone has just turned up with no motive, unless we are dealing with a crazed, indiscriminate attacker."

Det Insp Bissell said the police were waiting for the results of forensic tests, and were still in the process of talking to experts, but stressed they needed information from the public.

He said: "Someone must know who did this or why it happened. This was a vicious attack with a clear attempt on the man's life."

The attacker is described as about 6ft 2ins tall, with a broad build. He was wearing a dark grey balaclava and dark clothing.

Police are also keen to trace three men seen in the area at the time of the attack. Two were seen on the main footpath at the back of Knight Street, near the rear of Mr Tiede's home. They are described as both being about 6ft 3ins tall and of medium build. One was wearing a grey hooded top, possibly with the number 69 on the front, and the second man was white and wearing a black hooded top and dark trousers.

A third man was seen close to the children's play area at the back of Goodman Close. He is described as white, in his late teens, with a slim face, sharp features and short blond hair.

Anyone with any information can contact the Northern Major Crime Team on 0845 045 4545 or the free and confidential Crimestoppers number on 0800 555 111.