NEW youth workers: Two new youth workers have been appointed to the Oakridge Hall For All.

Their names are Jaynie and Sandy, and they would like to hear from local young people that would like to get involved with the setting up of new youth facilities.

If you would like to help, contact them on 475844.

SOUTH View Junior School news: The Harvest Festival was a great success and raised the grand sum of £522 for the charity, Barnardo's.

Mrs Soanes, who worked at the school for a number of years as a learning support assistant, retired at the end of half-term. She will be missed.

Lisa Marie Wilkins has been appointed, and she began work in Mrs Bond's class on December 1.

The Christmas production, Shiek, Rattle and Roll, Years 3 and 4 only, will be on Monday, December 8, at 1.30pm; and for parents with pre-school children, on Tuesday, at 1.30pm, and Wednesday, at 7pm.

The school Christmas disco will be on Friday, December 12, lower school from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, and upper school from 5.45pm to 6.45pm.

The choir will be singing on Monday, in Festival Square, outside the bagel shop, from 10am to 11am.

NEW lollipop person: At the crossing in Vivian Road by the Methodist Church.