RAINBOWS: Welcome to the Second Kingsclere Rainbows. This newly formed group will meet in the Scout Hall in Strokins Road on Tuesdays from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Girls aged five to seven years old can enrol - call Denise Bright on 297826 or Sandra Griffin on 299067.

BEAVERS: I hear a rumour that the Beavers may be reforming. I hope it is true, as we need all the youth organisations we can get. Watch this space.

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Heritage Association is having its annual Christmas social gathering at the Village Club on Thursday, December 11, at 7.30pm.

GARDENING: On the same night, there will be a meeting of the gardening club at the Fieldgate Centre at 7.45pm.

TUESDAY: Alan Denness and I are going to the awards ceremony, where we will hear whether Kingsclere is to be the national Calor Business Village of the Year.