MANOR Field Junior School: The school was pleased to welcome the mayor, Cllr Gerry Traynor, on November 24.

It was a special day at the school because Sammy Jo had been elected chairwoman of the school council. She led the way around, showing the mayor how to find the different classes.

The teachers and I followed behind, listening as the mayor asked the children what they thought he did. The young ones were eager to talk to him and get a closer look at the mayor's gold chain of office and badge.

After the tour of the school, the mayor, staff and visitors came together in the school hall.

As a councillor, I was invited to sit at the front, which was a new and unexpected experience! I felt proud to be a governor and borough councillor.

The headteacher, Jan Cushing, introduced the assembly by applauding the triumph of the English rugby team in Australia, led by Jonny Wilkinson.

The mayor said a few words about his year in office and then awarded badges to all the school councillors, two from each class. He congratulated the chairwoman, Sammy Jo, and her deputy, Jordan, on being chosen in a democratic election.

Finally, photographs were taken of the mayor with members of the school council. Soon he would again be meeting children in their classes, but it was time for me to say cheerio.

CHRIST The King Christmas fair, on November 22, in spite of the awful weather, was well attended and successful.

Thank you to all who visited the fair and helped to make it an enjoyable occasion. A profit of £291 was raised for the church.