An Aaron Walker second-half double helped Fareham thrash Henley 5-1 at Henry Cort and give themselves vital breathing space in a compact South Premier League, Division 2 table.

The victory pushed Fareham six points clear of the danger zone and, ironically, to within one win of over-taking Brighton & Hove, currently third.

Danny Makaruk's early goal settled Fareham's nerves, while Ross Turnbull's midfield enterprise set up Dave Cousins to give the Bath Laners a 2-0 half-time cushion.

"We had a shaky five minutes or so immediately after the break when Henley scored," confessed coach Nigel Cook.

But Turnbull turned provider again and set up Walker for a crucial Fareham third before Tim Tavender finished off a slick four-man to make it 4-1.

"That was an illustration of our confidence - much of which came from Craig Peel, our South African linkman, who had an outstanding game," Cook said.

Walker's second late on sealed it for Fareham, who have lost top scorer Jim Moseley to City of Portsmouth - but probably for only 18 months.

"Jim reckons he's got another season left to play the best regional hockey he can and has opted to join City, probably until the end of next year," Cook explained.

"But he's told us he'll be back, which means another opportunity for us to give another one of our promising youngsters vital first team experience."

Cook is quietly purring over the abundance of talent bubbling under the Bath Lane surface, particularly in the second team.

"We took seven teenagers to Purley Walcountians (Second XI Regional leaders) on Saturday and were winning 3-1 before they came back and forced a 3-3 draw," Cook beamed.

"School's out,' seems to be a topical jibe from opposing teams when our seconds turn up to play these days, but it's Fareham who've been having the last laugh of late."

First-half goals by Kevin Smith and Declan Colclough gave Fareham a half-time lead before Purley got one back.

Flu stricken Alan Shorthouse, who emerged from his sick bed to play, got in where it hurts most at the far post to fire Fareham 3-1 ahead before the third-placed visitors conceded two second-half goals to draw 3-3.

"We'd have settled for a draw before the kick-off," Shorthouse said. "But having been 3-1 up, we should have won it."