WEARING an unforgiving red Lycra top and a skirt that looked like it had come second in a fight with a paper shredder, Deborah Harry strutted on stage to a packed Portsmouth Guildhall.

Age has not been kind to the looks of the blonde bombshell, the former Playboy bunny, front woman of Blondie.

But look behind the cringing sight of Lycra-clad Deborah awkwardly tottering about the stage and the sound was still good. The beat was a little slower and Deborah struggled to reach some of the particularly high or low notes, but they churned out hit after hit to an audience full of adoring fans.

Newer songs jarred with some of the classics but Maria, their last number one hit from 1998, and Rapture were two of the night's more memorable tunes. And their updated version of The Tide is High really showed Atomic Kitten how it should be done.

It is amazing to think that the group formed nearly 30 years ago. Back in the 70s Blondie were trendsetters - perhaps this is where they should have stayed.