PUDSEY Bear helped sporty students at Brighton Hill Community College raise money for Children in Need during a 24-hour netball tournament.

Members of the Basingstoke college's netball team joined teachers and more than 150 volunteers from years 7 to 11 during the 24-hour sponsored netball tournament in the sports hall.

The event was sponsored by Asda at Brighton Hill, whose staff donated breakfast bars and energy drinks to the players. Totally Tennis, based at the War Memorial Park, Crossborough Hill, Basingstoke, also handed over £90 in sponsorship money.

The event was organised by PE teachers Madelaine Probyn and Judith Turner.

Mrs Probyn said: "We had to be very organised in terms of the timetable of events, so that we continued to play for the full 24 hours. There was good competitive play up until the last minute, even at 5am.

"We haven't got an overall amount of how much we raised yet, but I hope it will be between £2,000 and £5,000. We will be presenting the big cheque on the evening of Children In Need, wherever the main event is held locally."

If you are organising a fundraising event in aid of this year's Children In Need appeal, then The Gazette wants to hear about it. Call reporter Suzanne Rutter on 01256 337420 or e-mail suzanne.rutter@basingstokegazette.co.uk