JUMBLE sale: The sale at Cross House on October 18 raised £300 for the funds of St James' Church.

Thanks to all who contributed goods and to those who went along and bought the bargains.

LIFEBOATS: The book sale was, again, a great success and raised £3,000 for the funds of the RNLI.

Thanks to all who contacted local representative Sheila Dance with donations of books.

CHRISTMAS fair: This year, the RNLI annual Christmas fair will be held on November 15, from 11am until 3pm, at St John's Hall, Mortimer.

Sheila will be pleased to receive any good quality items you may like to donate.

The sale will be an opportunity to purchase seasonal foods, children's toys, games, videos, RNLI cards and diaries. For information, please call 881540.

FLORAL society: At the meeting of Bramley and Romans Floral Society on October 3, Mrs Irene Manson demonstrated in flowers "My Kind of Music".

This started in a rustic mood with sunflowers and a straw hat for country music, white carnations and orchids were for a relaxing style which then changed to tropical music with palms, ferns and exotic flowers.

The large pedestal for the final had lilies, roses, and gerberas for the classics and the Mozart Horn Concerto.

Mrs Pat Jones gave the vote of thanks and the arrangements were used as prizes in the raffle.

PARISH council: It was announced that the allotments have all been let for the coming year and that there is now a waiting list.

You may still contact the clerk if you wish to have your name added to the list.

It was agreed that rents would not be increased.

There was no conclusion regarding developer's funds for village facilities.

Councillors were reminded that the next Bramley newsletter is due out in November and that their input is required as this is a joint publication from the whole council.