YOUNG MUSICANS will be hitting the top notes for Eastleigh mayor Councillor Glynn Davies-Dear's charity appeal.

For the second year running the organisers of Music Youth 2000 are producing a concert for the mayoral charity fund.

It is being held in the new music hall in the grounds of Thornden School on Saturday, November 15, starting at 7.30pm.

The line-up includes the Thornden Wind Band, the Crestwood Steel Band, Sax Mad and the Skore, who play music in the style of Madness.

Tickets for this concert are available from the reception desk at Thornden School or Martin Edwards on 07974 215250.

Tickets cost £5 for adults and £3 for children.

Last year's concert was a sell-out and the organisers have already had an early demand for tickets.

Music Youth 2000 have raised thousands of pounds for local charities both in Eastleigh and Totton.

Councillor Davies-Dear's charity appeal is towards Eastleigh and District MIND's programme to teach information technology to adults with mental health problems. The appeal is also supporting the work of the Bishopstoke Responders - trained volunteers who assist those who need medical help in emergencies.