THE STORM of protest over plans by Southampton City Council to sell off city centre car parks has stepped up a gear.

Furious traders have begun a petition following our revelations this week that city transport bosses want to close car parks in Bedford Place and Amoy Street.

City bosses are consulting over the plans which would result in the loss of 130 car parking spaces. The sites would be sold off for development if they give the final go-ahead to the scheme.

Traders along Bedford Place have vowed they will fight the proposals. Owner of the Silver Nutmeg card and gift shop Susan Penny, 57, has already started a petition to try and force the council to change its mind over the scheme.

She said: "All my customers and fellow traders are opposed to this rotten idea. Bedford Place is a unique little shopping area in Southampton and we need to make a big noise to try and prevent this happening.

"If we just lie down and accept this, it will destroy Bedford Place. We are very short of car parking in Southampton as it is."

She added that the new multi-storey car park in nearby Salisbury Street would not compensate for the loss of the spaces at Bedford Place.

She said: "If you have children in pushchairs or if you are elderly, you don't want to go into a multi-storey. The multi-storey also directs you away from Bedford Place. The council just don't care about us."

Bargate ward councillor Richard Harris said he was backing residents and traders in their fight to save the car park.

He said: "I have already been contacted by residents and shopkeepers who are very concerned about the special village character of Bedford Place being spoiled.

"This was announced without prior consultation. The mainly small businesses would be adversely affected."

A spokesman for Southampton City Council said: "We are happy to have any input from the residents and shopkeepers which is part of the on-going consultation process."