ANGRY residents have protested at noisy night-time roadworks that have shattered their sleep this week and left them feeling jaded and tired.

The residents of Millard Close, Oakridge, Basingstoke, say they did not receive any notice the works were to take place and the noise was so bad one mother was forced to spend the night with her two young children at a relative's home.

Hampshire County Council, which is responsible for the works in Aldermaston Road and Aldermaston Road South, has apologised for the noise, but says the work had to be done at night to avoid disruption.

Residents say the first they knew of what was happening was when work started on Monday night. Matthew Gregory, who lives in the close with his wife Sue and two children, said: "It was horrendous.

"We have double glazing in the house and it was hot, but we closed the windows and I still could not hear the television."

The noise continued until about 4am and Mr Gregory said although he got some sleep, his wife and their 11-month-old son did not.

Residents complain of noises from heavy trucks, grating sounds and the constant beep-beep from reversing vehicles, together with their flashing lights.

Marian Wilson said: "It was awful. It really was terrible, and the thing is nobody knew anything about it."

Tracey Stewart was forced to sleep at a relative's home with her two sons, aged four and eight, after finding the noise unbearable on Monday night.

She said her children had come downstairs crying and saying their heads were hurting and they could not sleep.

The next day, her youngest attended a playschool event where he was yawning and she was shattered.

Local borough Cllr Paul Harvey, who was contacted by the residents and went to the area, said: "The residents, many with young children, went through an excruciating amount of noise and disturbance."

He accused the county council of "completely unacceptable behaviour" and the residents voiced suspicions they had not been informed of the roadworks because it was thought the area is industrial and residential streets would not be affected.

A spokeswoman for the county council said the authority was resurfacing the carriageway in Aldermaston Road and Aldermaston Road South. "It's a very busy dual carriageway and there are several garages along the route.

"To do the work during the day would be not only extremely disruptive to these businesses, but also to motorists as well," she said.

"As it's predominantly an industrial area, the decision was made to carry out the work at night."

She said the county council was sorry for the noise and disruption and, speaking during the week, added steps had now been taken so the noisiest work was completed before 10pm.