Alresford's Hayley Vining is back home after attempting the gruelling midnight Playtex Moonwalk marathon on Saturday.

Starting off from Battersea Park, London, Hayley and her team-mates from Bournemouth University have now raised between them over £1,500 for breast cancer care and research.

In high spirits and energised by the enthusiasm of 15,000 other bra-clad women and men, the girls trudged around a number of famous London spots, including Tower Bridge, the London Eye, and Harrods.

Unfortunately, Hayley had to drop out after the 21-mile mark, due to dehydration, but her friends managed to pound on to cross the finish line in 10 hours 34 minutes and 50 seconds.

Of her disappointment on not finishing the event, Hayley said: " have to admit I chose one of the best places to drop out and wait to be picked up whilst shivering in the morning sunshine - outside Buckingham Palace!

"I can honestly say that this was one of the toughest things I have ever had to do, although I must stress that it is not as tough as what sufferers of breast cancer and their families go through.

"The event really brought it home to me how brave and courageous these women - and men - and their families are. I am gutted I didn't go the full distance this year, but it has only made me even more determined to get to that finish line next year!"