THE Saints fan seen crying by millions of people across the world at the FA Cup final has revealed the reason for his tears.

Damon Heritage wept as the traditional pre-match hymn Abide With Me came to a close at the Millennium Stadium.

The 42-year-old told the Daily Echo the song was a favourite of his mother Maureen, who was terminally ill at the time of Southampton's last Final appearance in 1976.

His sobs touched viewers across the world and within hours friends from as far away as Russia and Spain phoned to say they had seen him.

Mr Heritage said: "I went to the Cup final in 1976 with my father, and he was with me again on Saturday.

"My mother was terminally ill with cancer at the time. It was an awful time of my life.

"When Abide With Me started I was fine and then I looked at the words on the giant screen and there was a line that said something like 'through life and death'.

"Something just came over me and I couldn't hold it back."

Viewers then saw the market research interviewer being comforted by girlfriend Samantha Agass and his dad John.

His mum was one of the first patients to stay in the Countess Mountbatten Hospice in West End and died aged 39.

After Mr Heritage broke down at Saturday's game, he was texted by a pal in Russia and phoned by the mother of tragic Pompey goalkeeper Aaron Flahavan, who died in a car crash nearly two years ago in Bournemouth.

Mr Heritage, of Haileybury Gardens, Hedge End, said: "She lives in Spain and she said seeing me in tears made her cry too because it brought back memories of her son."