A BASINGSTOKE pub's plans for an FA Cup final to remember were dashed in the cruellest way possible - on and off the pitch.

A power cut left the Southampton fans at the Castle, in Old Reading Road, unable even to listen to the game - let alone watch it.

Saints supporters from all over Basingstoke and beyond had packed into the pub to watch the final against Arsenal.

Landlord Greg Clarke had decked the pub out in blue and yellow, Southampton's colours for the final at the Millennium Stadium. Some customers had even reserved seats to get the best view.

However, they all had to find another venue when the pub was left without power come 3pm. Some 50 properties lost electricity just before 11am in the Alencon Link area, including several shops in the town centre.

Although most had had their power restored by midday, the Castle wasn't one of them.

Manager Ray Davitt, who was in charge because Clarke had a ticket for the final in Cardiff, said: "I couldn't believe it. Of all the days for this to happen. The pub should have been full. I couldn't even find a radio.

"We had extra staff in and were going to serve food for longer. I had to send them all home. It was a disaster."