Sir, - Nearly three months ago I was what is now termed 'a pavement victim', having cracked a bone in my right foot after tripping on the kerb near Romsey park.

I was housebound almost three weeks. The first week hobbling about in bedsocks, and on painkillers three times a day. As I could not get out I had to get my doctor to my home.

The first time I went out after my fall, I was very nervous and frightened of falling again.

I have been in contact with Cllr Jack Kemish, by phone and letter. The most people I've helped are female. I've only helped about three men so far, who have fallen over. Two victims are great friends of mine, namely Cyndy Crossley and Angela Henley-Jones. Is this a case of 'Take a trip to Romsey to see the fallen women'?

I think not. Something must be done about this situation and soon.

Yours etc,

Meg Pavill

2 Princes Road,
