WHEN Simon Rogers bet his girlfriend Emma that he would marry her if Saints got into the FA Cup final - little did he think he would be walking down the aisle.

But that's exactly what happened yesterday - and to mark the happy occasion everyone from the bride and groom to the guests wore red and white.

"Saints played Tottenham and the score was 4-0. I said to Emma, if Saints get in the final we'll get married - and I admit I didn't really think it would happen," explained Simon, 25.

Emma, 31, joked: "They hadn't been in the Cup for 27 years so he thought he was on to a pretty sure bet."

Friends and family got into the swing of it by dressing in football shirts, pinning rosettes to their lapels and some put red streaks in their hair.

Even little guest seven-month-old Connor Vaughan was dressed in a red and white Saints strip like his mum and dad Dan and Teresa, of Drove Road, Sholing.

A delighted Simon said: "I'm glad I lost my bet - without a doubt this is the best day of my life."

The Saints mad couple met at the British Gas headquarters in Southampton where they both work and they were smitten from the start.

The wedding service proved an emotional moment for Emma and she shed a tear after Simon made his vows.

At the close of the service registrar Janette Emery congratulated the happy couple - and wished Saints good luck for the Cup.

The newlyweds and their wedding guests travelled to the Parson's Collar pub at Whiteley for their reception - and they are planning an unusual honeymoon.

Emma and Simon will be travelling by white limo with friends Paul England and Marcus Warder for next Saturday's important match in Cardiff.

"I've always been a big Saints fan - I first got a season ticket when Kevin Keegan and Mick Channon were at the club.

"What better honeymoon could we have than going to the final next Saturday - it will be great," said Emma