SOUTHAMPTON is getting decked out in Saints colours as FA Cup fever grips the city.

Banners and posters, flags and window displays are turning the city centre into a sea of red and white to create a festival feel in the countdown to May 17th's showdown with The Gunners.

Thirty poster sites in the city centre are carrying special "Come on You Saints" posters - and special banners are also adorning city centre lamp posts.

Shops are also being encouraged to create FA Cup window displays before next Saturday's crunch match.

Flags will also be flown on civic buildings and the window of the city information office in Civic Centre Road has been turned into a shrine to Southampton's FA Cup hopes.

The flags and banners are being paid for by Barratt Homes, Bacardi-Martini, Eric Robinson Solicitors, Daily Echo owners, Newsquest and Friends Provident as well as Southampton City Council. The total cost of the campaign comes to around £12,000 with the banners being provided by Medway Photographic.

A giant "good luck" card is also to be handed over to Saints on Tuesday.

The whole city, including The Daily Echo, has been invited to send a personal message of good luck to the team ahead of the match.

City Council mayor Councillor Brian Parnell who will be attending the final said: "Together with our generous sponsors, we hope the card and the good luck campaign will inspire our team to an even greater effort - and a victorious return with the cup for a big Southampton party on Sunday. It sums up the city's feelings in a single phrase "Come on you Saints."

Representatives from leading sponsors of Saints' FA Cup run, including Stewart Dunn, regional manager of Newsquest have already signed the giant card.

People will also be able to wish the team good luck by leaving their own personal messages in books stationed at points around the city.

Libraries, leisure centres, civic buildings and the city information centre will also house the good luck books.

All the messages will be delivered to the team, along with the card next Tuesday as they warm-up for their date with destiny.