HUNDREDS of Chandler's Ford residents are launching their biggest house-to-house collection of the year on Sunday.

They will be making the annual approach to their neighbours and friends to support the work of Christian Aid.

Organisers say that by doing so the volunteers will be showing that they care about love and justice for people they have never met - people in many of the poorer countries in the world, including war-ravaged Iraq.

Each church in Chandler's Ford organises a group of collectors who will be seen dropping off red envelopes and returning to collect them later.

Local volunteer organiser Brian Ridsdale said: "Over the past year I have met a number of Christian Aid's partners, the people who work with their fellow countrymen and women to improve the lives of the poorest and most oppressed people.

"A little bit of our money goes a long way.

"Sometimes all an aspiring farmer needs is a loan to get started - maybe a loan to buy a goat. I've seen some of these very simple projects work, and it's truly inspiring."

Christian Aid is currently working hard in Iraq to help the people rebuild their lives.

Mr Ridsdale said: "As the charity has been working there for years, it is a trusted and respected organisation - highly important at this time."

The combined churches in Chandler's Ford will be holding a joint 6.30pm service to celebrate at the end of Christian Aid Week at St Martin's Church, Hiltingbury, on Sunday, May 18.