THEY took their protest to the capital, held open-air rallies and staged marches through the streets of Lee-on-the-Solent.

But still demonstrators are not missing a single opportunity to make their strength of feeling known against plans for an asylum- seeker centre at Daedalus.

Today they plan to protest in their dozens outside Fareham Civic Offices when project leaders of the controversial plans for a 400-bed accommodation centre arrive to meet with council chiefs.

About 100 demonstrators are expected to convene outside the Civic Offices in a bid to get their message across to the Home Office delegation.

The visitors from London are due to meet with Fareham council leader Sean Woodward and Chief Executive Alan Davies at 2.30pm having first braved the crowds outside who have been urged to turn up in numbers to protest.

Chairman of the Daedalus Action Group John Beavis said: "We are estimating about 100 people will be at the offices to show how strongly we feel.

"We are encouraging people to take placards, wear their yellow baseball caps and use their whistles to make themselves heard."

Demonstrators are expected to pack the council chambers at Fareham tonight to listen to Cllr Woodward's account of how the meeting went.

He said: "I expect many people will want to hear what was said but at this stage I do not know how it will go or indeed how long the meeting will last.

"I will certainly be asking them when a decision can be expected on whether a planning application will be submitted, hopefully the meeting has not come to late to influence it."

Read tomorrow's Daily Echo for the full story and pictures.