THESE ten teenage lads from north-east London have taken the boy band format to a whole new level.

Many people would cross the street to avoid such a gang of 'yoofs' but demand for this tour has proved so successful that further dates have been added.

The Squad's debut album In The Beginning, released at the end of last year, proved to be a critical and commercial success and yielded the hits Crossroads, Love On The Line and Reminisce/Where The Story Ends.

The line-up of nine MCs and one DJ attracted a massive fan base, inevitably mostly female.

Contrary to appearances they are not a manufactured group but were formed from two separate outfits - Incredible Crew and Blazin' Squad. The lads - Kenzie, Strider, Freek, Melo-D, Reepa, Spike-e, Krazy, Rock B, Flava and Tommy B - have actually known each other since they were babies and have been MCing and DJing since they hit their teens four years ago.

They claim to have eclectic tastes and sing about a wide range of subjects.

"We're mixing every style of music," says Krazy. "Some of our songs are about us, others are just proper love songs. We're rapping about everything from superheroes to bank robbers - stuff that our mates can relate to. It's pop with the sharpest edge."

May 14, Bournemouth International Centre. Tickets: £18.50. Box office: 01202 456456