ALL creatures great and small will converge on Hampshire County Council's Manor Farm Museum at Botley at Sunday for a service of thanksgiving for pets.

The open-air service - dubbed Bless This Mouse - will be held in the grounds of the picturesque 13th century church of St Batholomew, which overlooks the duck pond next to the working farm museum.

Organisers are saying that everyone is invited to bring along their favourite pet for the springtime celebration.

The service will feature original hymns alongside some traditional favourites, with singing accompanied by guitar and the Manor Farm Singers.

Manor Farm spokesman Richard Haworth said: "This is the second such service to be held at St Bartholomew's. Last year's inaugural pets service proved a great success, with dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits and ferrets among the congregation. A similarly varied gathering is expected this year."

The service for pets starts at 2.30pm.

Admission is free, although a parking charge applies in the country park. For further information ring 01489 787055.