SO MUCH of life revolves around it, but so little stage time has been devoted to it - until now, that is.

The theatrical value of the male member was well and truly proved with the recent eye-watering West End hit Puppetry of the Penis.

But it's fallen to stand-up comedian Richard Herring to present a more comprehensive view of male genitalia in an uninhibited comic celebration that has delighted even the most staid of British theatre audiences.

Previously best known for his comedy partnership with Stewart Lee, Herring's show is based on more than 5,000 responses - from both men and women - received to a no-holds-barred questionnaire placed on Herring's website.

Despite its comic aspects, the show was partly designed to dispel commonly-held myths about male sexuality.

"The stereotype of men that we are all potential rapists is so accepted in society, but the majority of men aren't like that at all. I wanted to do a show that celebrated what was good about men," says Herring.

"It's essentially a funny show with some serious moments and some things that will make you think. As long as there are men and women in the world, it's going to be an interesting thing."

May 11, Nuffield Theatre, Southampton. Tickets: from £12. Box office: 023 8067 1771