A GROUP of conservationists is hoping Daily Echo readers can help identify a mystery object at its Marchwood headquarters.

Members of the British Military Powerboat Trust will give a cash prize to anyone who can tell them what the device was used for.

The grey metal object, which looks like a cross between an anti-aircraft gun and a telescope, is mounted on a large circular base.

It was built by a company called Hilger Watts - and is thought to be at least 50 years old.

Trust member Martin Bovey said it may have been used for tracking British missiles and assessing their performance after they were test-fired. He said: "It appears to be some sort of rangefinder, complete with sights and electrical connections."

"We've had it for several years but until recently it was kept in the corner of our boatbuilding shed, where it stood gathering dust.

"I'm sure there's someone out there who can tell us exactly what it is.

"We're offering a cash prize to the first person who can identify the object and provide us with proof that their information is accurate.

"If it turns out to be relevant to what we're doing, we'll put it on show."

The trust is based at the former Husband's Shipyard at Cracknore Hard.

Enthusiasts are restoring military craft that served in the Second World War and civilian vessels that helped evacuate British troops from Dunkirk in 1940.

Anyone who can identify the object is asked to visit the trust any day between 10am and 4pm.