ONE DAY after Isle of Wight time trialist, Dave Dent (SP Systems Wightlink RT) won the last of three races organised by Vectis Offshore Sports CC over the bank holiday weekend a small group of clubmates came competed at Goodwood Motor Circuit, and two of them returned home winners.

They were Leigh Baker, the latest in a long line of bright young prospects to emerge from the Island.

He raced away on his own to win the four-lap event for youths on his own, to be followed across the line by his younger brother, Sam, in fourth place, before another teenager, Ed Perry, became one of the few juniors to take the honours in the main race of the day.

Most, including Perry, started this 31-mile race one or more minutes after the "long-markers" group was flagged away, and SP Systems top rider, Keiran Page, was one of a smaller group of elite category riders who set out with a six-minute handicap to make up.

The 13-lap race proved one lap too few for them as Page led his group in 25 seconds after Perry streaked past the chequered flag two lengths clear to win.

Another junior, Ian Legg (Principia RT) has the fitness to match that success when he lines up for the 58-kilometre Spring Road Race which Hantspol CC is staging on the northern slopes of Portsdown Hill this Sunday.

His age group in an event for third and fourth category licence holders and women also includes Southampton-based all-rounder, Andrew Gough (Portswood Cycles RT) two Sotonia CC seniors, Richard Burch and Stuart Martingale, and a Fareham family of three comprising Phil and Carolyn Marshall, and their national champion daughter, Jacquie, who races for VC St Raphael Waite Contracts.

The organisers of this race still have vacancies for another eight entrants, and appeal to any competitor wishing to ride to sign on at least half-an-hour before the event sets out from Southwick, near Portsmouth, at 10am.

All but three of 16 women listed for Bournemouth Women's CA 25-mile time trial near Poole are eligible for the Diane Wisbey Memorial Trophy.

Sub-hour entrant, Lesley-Anne Allen (VC St Raphael Waite Contracts) is favourite to win this award, and her partner, Steve Walkling, looks set to take the honours of the day despite a strong presence in a field of 81 of several triathletes led by Julian Jenkinson (Primera Bournemouth).

Cycling fixtures

Saturday (May 10)

Alton CTC meet Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath, 8, 8.30 or 9am for 201, 165 or 105km Test Valley rides.

Bournemouth Women's CA open 25, Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, 7am.

Hantspol CC Spring road race, D-Day Memorial Hall, Southwick, 10am.

Alton CTC meet The Butts, 9am. Elevenses at Greyshott & lunch at Froxfield, nr Petersfield.

Sotonia CC meet North Baddesley crossroads, 9am for ride to Landford.