HUNDREDS of people flocked to the common in Southampton to enjoy one of the region's biggest fun fair attractions.

Visitors to William Cole's fairground enjoyed sunny weather with a gentle breeze to keep children cool as they ran excitedly round the many rides and stalls yesterday.

The weather was a sudden improvement from Easter Saturday and Sunday, when wind and rain dampened people's spirits.

But as the sunshine returned yesterday creatures from butterflies to lions and tigers adorned the faces of many a youngster who had visited the face painting stands.

Market and craft stalls were also busy as scores of customers treated themselves to small gifts and tasty treats.

Prizes galore were also available for customers skilled with a ball, a rifle or on the hook-a-duck stand.

Matthew, Jessica and Mitchell Grove, visiting with mum Karen and grandparents Tony and Sue Lucas, won a collection of inflatable goodies by fishing Dalmatians from a bucket of water.

Clutching their winnings - an alien, a hammer and a bow and arrow set - the trio chattered happily about the rides they had been on including the Twister and Rollercoaster.

Matthew said: "The Rollercoaster was great. It went on for about three minutes and then it went upside down and we all screamed."

Several new rides were on offer this year including the Crazy Shake, Circus King Fun House, Move It and the Ghost Train.

But Paris Castles and Jade Sidney, both aged five, said the best attraction was Circus King Fun House.

Jade, from Gatesford Road, Bitterne, said: "It was really good. It had pits full of balls which you could play around in."

Parents Kevin and Karen Moore looked on with Kai, three, and Jack, two weeks, as seven-year-old Brad bounced around on the trampolines.

Mr Moore, of Violet Road, Bassett, said: "I'm back to work tomorrow so we're making the most of the weather."

Fairground owner William Cole said he was very pleased with the turnout. He said: "It's been going very well. There's been a steady queue of people for it all day."