A SOUTHAMPTON photography club is the latest in a line of groups for the disabled forced to close because of a lack of community involvement.

Solent Camera Club for the disabled, based in Jessamine Road, Shirley, formally shut down at the annual general meeting of its thirtieth year when new committee members failed to materialise.

Exiting secretary Mary Rashleigh has given seven years helping to run the club but feels at the age of 79 she is no longer able to keep going.

She said: "You can't go on and on. It's just very sad. It was a lovely club and we're going to miss it."

In the absence of new members the 22-strong group will no longer be able to enjoy photography competitions and day trips to various landmarks and beauty spots.

Solent Camera Club is the third Southampton group for the disabled to close in the last 12 months.

Frank Mortimer, president of the Federation of Clubs for the Disabled Southampton branch, said the Amandas Club and the Inskip League of Friendship No. Six had been forced to close for similar reasons.

He said: "Southampton has been a leading light in providing amenities and facilities for disabled people to get together and have a reasonable life.

"But people aren't as prepared to volunteer as they were in the old days."

The stroke-sufferer and MBE award-winner said: "I've been involved with disabled people in this city for 42 years. I'm sad to see any club have to close."

For more information or to help Southampton's remaining clubs for the disabled contact Frank Mortimer on 023 8066 7547