AN ARSON probe was under way this morning after a huge blaze severely damaged a Southampton school overnight.

Around 40 firefighters tackled flames at the main building of Redbridge Community School in Cuckmere Lane.

Nearby residents raised the alarm just after 10.20pm after spotting the blaze.

Pupils and staff are due to transfer to a brand new state-of-the-art £10.6m complex on a neighbouring site on Monday, when they return after the Easter holidays.

Last night's blaze caused severe heat and smoke damage to the old three-storey building.

CID officers from Shirley police station made an initial inspection after the fire was extinguished and will launch further inquiries today.

Firefighters wore breathing apparatus to enter the burning building and tackle the flames.

The blaze caused severe damage to the ground floor, while the first floor was also badly affected.

A spokesman for Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said: "We are going to be launching an investigation into the cause of the fire."

Crews from Southampton's Redbridge and St Mary's fire stations attended the incident, along with colleagues from Eastleigh, Totton and Winchester.

The blaze was fully extinguished just after midnight.

The new school is one of three state-of-the-art new complex's being opened in Southampton this year, which includes Woodlands in Harefield and Cantell in Bassett, as part of a £36m programme.