Watermark Group is a prime example of the kind of qualities a company needs to be in the running for Hampshire's top business awards.

As entrants in this year's Daily Echo Hampshire Business Awards are under the microscope we take a look at last year's winner of the KPMG Company of the Year.

You might not realise it, but you probably come into contact with the products of last year's Hampshire Business Awards winner, Watermark Group, almost every time you hop on board an aircraft for a holiday or business meeting.

The Upham-based company, established in 1985, is a supplier of items used on commercial flights, from in-flight kits, pillows and blankets to meal trays.

"There are more than 400 in-flight items consumed on an aircraft," explains John Caulcutt, chief executive of Watermark.

With a client list that reads like a who's who of the airline industry, including British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Quantas, Cathay Pacific and American Airlines, the company has grown from supplying one client in 1995 to more than 150 today. It employs 132 staff, 68 of whom are based in Hampshire, with the rest working Watermark's Germany, Moscow, USA, Hong Kong and Shanghai offices.

John Caulcutt is keen to point out the role that Hampshire plays in building these crucial business relationships.

"We wouldn't be able to run Watermark as successfully as we do elsewhere. Belmore Park, our headquarters, is set in 100 acres of beautiful Hampshire parkland, providing the perfect opportunity to entertain our clients, many of whom will have travelled a long way to come and meet us.

Looking back to winning the KPMG Company of the Year award, Mr Caulcutt comments: "Being named Company of the Year was a tremendous boost for us, giving us pride in our past achievements and confidence in the future. We were extremely pleased that our contribution to Hampshire was recognised and this helped us continue the Watermark success story over the past year."

Chairman of the judging panel Tony Cottam, senior partner at KPMG's South Coast office, comments: "Watermark is a prime example of the qualities we seek in Hampshire's Company of the Year and it's great to see this very worthy winner go from strength to strength."

As well as the KPMG Company of the Year title, there are two further categories - the Bond Pearce Business Innovation award and the Marsh Business in the Community award.